Conteggio dal 1° Gennaio

Communication Modules

Interactive maps to display real-time count data publicly

  • Interative maps displaying real-time count data
  • Daily data update
  • Visualization and sharing tools
Collecting data is important, but sharing this data with the public is a great way to share the success of your cycling policy. Users can browse dedicated webpages, and discover the trends and key figures of your counting points.

Through dedicated webpages, users can have access in a few clicks to count data, and discover the history and the evolution of cycling infrastructure usage.

Public Web Page

The Public Web Page is an easy way to share your data with the public and other stakeholders. The count data can be published on a dedicated web page for easy access by your website users.

Eco-DISPLAY Classic Live Counts

Updated every 10 minutes, the Eco-DISPLAY Classic Live Counts is a communication module which gives the opportunity to follow attendance.

Public Web Page +

Public Web Page +  allows you to compare and display the data of several counting points on the same webpage. It enables users to compare attendance of different sites and have a global viewpoint.

Vous avez une question ? un projet ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute demande d’information sur un produit.
Public Web Page

The Public Web Page is an easy way to share your data with the public and other stakeholders. The count data can be published on a dedicated web page for easy access by your website users.

Public Web Page +

Public Web Page +  allows you to compare and display the data of several counting points on the same webpage. It enables users to compare attendance of different sites and have a global viewpoint.

Eco-DISPLAY Classic Live Counts

Updated every 10 minutes, the Eco-DISPLAY Classic Live Counts is a communication module which gives the opportunity to follow attendance.

Vous avez une question ? un projet ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute demande d’information sur un produit.
